Thursday, March 2, 2017


Cf chemical element of radioactivity, trivalent. [1] Kimaaia factory in the periodic table element symbol (palm - Cf) its atomic number 98 was discovered by extrusion element curium alpha particles and has a few uses

Californium Californium:
A radioactive element californium Minutes industrially atomic number 98, and atomic weight 251.079, its density is 15.10 g / cm3 melting point of 900 degrees Celsius. Cf is a transuranic elements in the actinide series of the periodic table. Cf-peer with mass number 245 produced the first time in 1950 at the University of California at Berkeley Labs by American chemists Stanley AG. Thompson, Kenneth Street. Albert Gerusz, and Glenn T. Seaborg. Scientists making californium -245 through -242 thousand bombing being Cm minutes. Cf -245 decays quickly, with the launch of Alpha minutes, and 44 minute half-life. Radioactive isotopes. Radioactive isotopes Ktlah numbers 240 and 255 were prepared later. Cf -249 is the result of beta Berkilliom -249 to dissolution. Cf radioactive isotopes produced heavier by neutron bombardment of Berkilliom -249, which increases the number of protons in the nucleus. Californium -252, with a half-life of 2.6 years and has the highest rate of absolute fission large amounts of neutrons and his important research in the field of medical applications. More radioactive californium isotopes consistent with the half-life of 900 years has the number 251 is equal to mass fraction is found.

Edit properties

252Cf has a half-life of 2.6 years with a high radioactivity. Where is the source of neutrons (1 micro gram of it radiates approximately 170 million neutrons per minute.) Does not have any role in the life and Baolga few compounds have been studied, such as (Cf2O3) (CfCl3) (CfOCl)

Edit history

It was synthesized in the March 17, 1950 Bo mode researchers from the University of California - Berkeley. It was renamed the University of California name

While in nature Edit

Although the item does not exist in the ground naturally. However, it exists in the universe known as electro-magnetic emitted as the supernova

Isotopes Edit

The discovery of nine isotopes him the most stability 251Cf half-life of 898 days and the 249Cf half-life of 351 years and the 250Cf half-life of 13 years Other radioactive isotopes have a half-life of less than 2.7 years, mostly about twenty minutes and the weight of atomic isotopes Atrauah between 237.062 (237Cf) to 256.093 (256Cf).

Justice sources

^ Baalbaki, Munir (1991). "Californium." Encyclopedia supplier. Encyclopedia of Rural Knowledge Network. Briefed him on 10 May 2013.
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